Thursday, May 27, 2010


The boys are doing so well, I could not be a prouder mama. They've moved up to two feedings by mouth, and yesterday they had each gained 15 grams. They're both over 4 lbs, K is a few ounces away from 5. R's just a really really good pooper :) I think it's harder for him to keep any weight on. Other than that we are just taking this one day at a time. A is starting to repeat everything we say, it's adorable. She's getting more comfortable with the boys I know she's going to be a great big sister.

Daddy & R


Daddy & K

The nurses love her :)

Our boys <3


Friday, May 14, 2010

What a week!

Our boys are here! When I came in on Sunday they did another fFN and it was positive. So we tried all the meds again but my boys wanted out, K had been head down but moved for some reason. I ended up having a cesarean which was one of the scariest things I've ever done.. But mommy's have to put their big girl pants on sometimes.
R was born first, at 7:33 pm on May 12, 2010. He was 17 inches and weighed 4 lbs exactly. We have pictures right when they came out, hopefully. G doesn't know where he put the camera. There was a lot going on. (: K was born at 7:34 pm. He weighed 4 lbs 9 oz and was 18.5 inches long. They were born at 33w3d which isn't terrible, definitely better than 29 which is when it all started. They're both doing really well, surprising a lot of the nurses we've talked to. R isn't on oxygen and K keeps going back and forth. They both like their binkies so they'll be ready to feed soon after all. (: they've been a little yellow so now they have them on the lights.. They get to wear sweet sunglasses. (: So.. Picture time!

G prepping for the operation.
He looks handsome, yeah. (:

K pulling a Zoolander. That's an oxygen hood over his head.

This is R, they're both really alert.

K, before they took him to NICU. I was so out of it..

The first time I got to see R awake.

R and his daddy. He already chose his favorite, haha. If his dad is around he only has eyes for him.

Wednesday night, the first time I got to hold K.

K and daddy.

K had to have his iv put through his belly button. I watched, he didn't cry or anything. Poor things have my veins I think, they're hard to get ivs in. It looks like he's just chillin though, it's cute.

R, this is the light for jaundice. He even held onto me for a little bit.. Only because his daddy wasn't around.

Today R discovered the binky.
And he loves it.

This is K, he grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go haha. Those glasses protect their eyes.. And just look awesome (:

Monday, May 10, 2010

May is here already!

This past week has been really busy, not so much for me since I'm not allowed to do too much of anything but the girls had finals and Alicia graduated with another degree. I'm currently back in L&D, which officially is 4 weeks in labor. Yup, FOUR. The contractions aren't terribly painful or anything, it's just really uncomfortable. I think the medications are the worst part, I know my baby boys will be so completely worth it though. Mother's day started off so well, my family is so good to me. I think the boys enjoyed dinner a little too much though because it started getting bad pretty fast. I think my body knows it shouldn't be in labor yet but I'm so huge it wants to be, haha. All these contractions and not a single change where it matters.. if you catch my drift. My doctor said we'll wait and see how today goes and we can see if I can go home or not. I literally cannot get bigger and the pain gets really bad.. I think we're just ready to finally meet. <3

Melanie, Alicia, and Ashley at Alicia's graduation. I wish I could've gone. But there's always Melanie's. :)

G's parents.

A at dinner. Okay, a small confession, I broke bedrest to attend but it has been four weeks! It was nice to get out for a couple hours, and i was sitting the whole time.

Mothers day morning. (:

Big Belly!
we're at 33 weeks now!!